Saving your images

After you take your photographs you will notice that the Canons EOS 6D camera saves them in two different formats. One of them is called JPEG and the other CR2. What you will always want to do is keep the CR2 files intact and open them in Photoshop. The same applies to the Fuji S3 Pro camera which saves your files in RAF format.

Both CR2 and RAF files are called raw image files and contain minimally processed data by the image sensor and/or the camera. What this means in layman’s terms is that these files contain the highest possible amount of editable information.

You should also note that raw files cannot be directly printed or edited. In order to edit them you will need to open them with an image editing programme, e.g. Adobe Photoshop, edit them accordingly and finally save them. Please remember that you should always save your edited images in TIFF format.

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